Software Licensing

Poynter Security LogoSchools benefit from vast discounts from many of the main software suppliers, but must ensure they are compliant at all times.

Ensuring your school is licensed for all its software in use is a key responsibility of the head teacher. We will conduct a licence audit when we take on a school and advise on any missing or over-used licences.

The most commonly missed licence is the Microsoft Client Access Licence (CAL), which is required for each device or user that accesses your school’s server. Most often, schools purchase new equipment without purchasing additional CALs.

As a Microsoft Authorised Education Reseller (AER), we can provide two types on licence agreement to schools:

  1. Perpetual licensing – this is a one-off cost for a licence, that covers the use of the current version of one piece of software.
  2. Subscription licensing – this is an annual fee that covers the use of the latest version of a selection of software.

Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) is a subscription licence that gives you Microsoft Windows (upgrade licence), Microsoft Office, CALs and the ability to add additional products under the single agreement. The cost of the subscription is based on the number of staff you have, not the quantity of machines. There are several benifits to this model:

  1. Budgeting – One fixed annual cost covering all your Microsoft software, with no extra charge for adding additional devices or upgrading to the latest version.
  2. Asset Management – no need to keep paper licences; easily track and manage your software licences online to ensure compliance.
  3. Home use Program (HUP) – Staff can purchase Microsoft Office Professional Plus for just £8.95 for use on their own machines.
  4. Student Advantage – Students get Microsoft Office for FREE to run on their home laptop and tablet.