Mobile Device Management

Poynter Device Management LogoMobile device Management is a key component when deploying Android or iOS tablets to students or staff.

Purchasing Software

There are two main ways to purchase software, individually or though the Volume Purchasing Programme (VPP).

Licences can either be treated as a consumable, e.g. a pencil or piece of paper that’s given out, or in a traditional sense, where the licence is retained by the school.

Individual purchases

Purchased and free Apps are tied directly to the Apple (iTunes) ID that brought the App and move with that account. For example a Teacher’s email address.

Apple VPP

This is the recommended way of purchasing Apps. The school signs up to the VPP and assigns users who can make purchases. The returned codes can then be distributed to install the software. Ownership of the Apps remains with the school ONLY if the devices are managed (traditional). If not, the ownership moves to the iPad’s registered Apple account (consumable).

Device Management

Due to the restrictions currently in place on the Norfolk broadband service, we are unable to offer these schools any Android management. For iOS devices, an on-site Apple Mac is required. For schools on the E2BN Direct service, we can offer full over-the-air (OTA) management of Android and iOS devices, which also include remote wipe and location tracking facilities.

One Apple Mac can manage up to 30 iPads. This is usually a Mac Mini, but for student iPads we suggest a MacBook as the cart will be moved around and the teacher will most likely want the mobility of a laptop. Either option can be used as a normal Mac machine.

The OTA Solution, requires no onsite hardware and can handle an unlimited number of devices.

No Management

At a minimum, each device needs to be registered with an Apple ID (registration of a credit card is optional). Each Apple ID can register up to 5 devices. Each Apple ID is linked to an email address.

Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to sign-up for an Apple ID.

This solution does not provide any enforcement of security, such as the use of a password, or allow for automatic distribution of software. With the Apple ID and password they will be free to access any age-level of content (when the iTunes store is available) and install any App.

If this option is chosen, we recommend that no confidential data is stored or accessed on the device and the students are not permitted to use the devices.

VPP codes can be redeemed via iTunes on each device and become owned by the registered Apple ID (when the store is available).

Managed Device – Teacher and Student

This is the minimum level of management that we recommend for teacher and student tablets. The devices will be enrolled with the MDM solution and receive all the settings and initial Apps. The teacher will (optionally) register their assigned iPad with their Apple ID.

This will enforce policies, such as password requirements, access to iTunes and restricted age-level content, use of FaceTime and iCloud.

VPP codes and free Apps can be pushed out to each device automatically.

This provides a much higher level of security for data being stored and accessed on the device and enforces the fact that this is a school-owned device, but allows the teacher the flexibility to use the device to its full potential if they so wish. It also reduces the time teachers spend administrating their device.

Controlled Device – Student

The third-level we recommend for iPads being used by the students (but can be implemented for teacher iPads). This requires an on-site Apple Mac with a trolley/cart. The device settings are locked down on each iPad, each group of iPads are exactly identical and this option does not require an Apple ID to be registered on each device. They can then be:

  1. Assigned for long-term use: All changes and new Apps require the devices to be connected to the Apple Server.
  2. Assigned for short-term use. Devices would be checked out on the Apple server and then in again at the end of the lesson. Changes are reflected on the iPads at check-out.

This provides the highest level of restriction, most suitable for use by students. It does however require the purchase and maintenance of additional hardware to manage a class of iPads.

This option does the give the teacher the functionality to push out documents for a lesson and check-in each student’s version of the original, i.e. complete with answers (Document Editor App required).

VPP codes and free Apps can be pushed out to each device automatically (the app will install when the iPad is connected to the Apple Server).